Five down on their luck and soon-to-be friends must learn to work together in order to save themselves and the universe.
Five beings, each of a different alien race, are abducted by a super intelligent and omnipotent entity known only as “The Amber.” The Amber directs the five beings to work together in order to save the Universe from a catastrophic cosmic event, called the Universal Pulse. Their mission is simple: Search the known and unknown galaxies and collect the broken shards of The Mosaic. The Mosaic is a special device, and the only thing powerful enough to stop the Pulse from literally resetting all life in the Universe. With the 13th Universal Pulse on the horizon, the five strangers must learn to work together on their voyage to find the shards and assemble the Mosaic before the Pulse arrives.
Whenever the Mosaic is used however, it is destroyed in the process, and the broken fragments splinter and travel to the edges of the galaxy until they again must be collected and re-assembled in another 20 million years when the next Pulse arrives, and a new five Voyagers must be chosen.
A relatable space adventure pulling from historical notes and deep cuts for true 311 fans. Though, if you are not familiar with the band and just enjoy a good old fashion space adventure to save the galaxy, then this is right up your alley.